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Welcome to Boop
Where the digital meets the personal

Welcome to Boop, a unique social media platform dedicated to fostering genuine connections within our local community. Unlike traditional sites, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our members by employing a team of human monitors who actively ensure that every interaction aligns with our community standards. At Boop, we believe in the power of human connection and aim to create a secure online environment where face-to-face interactions are encouraged. Our mission is to go beyond the virtual realm, providing a digital space that mirrors the warmth and camaraderie of our local community. Join us in building a safer, more connected community where meaningful relationships thrive both online and offline. Welcome to Boop – where the digital meets the personal, and community is a way of life.


No Violent, Pornographic, or Hate Generated Content


No Bullying, Trolling, or any other forms of Meanness


No spreading of any copyrighted material without the creator's consent


No spamming or spreading of misinformation 


You must be 13 years old or older to post content


Be kind to all users of the platform


Find out more about boop's community focused services!

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